This blog was inspired during a Relief Society meeting that I was attending not too long ago. The woman speaking shared her story of getting to know Christ and how it has changed her life. I left with such a strong desire to have a relationship with Christ, as she does, and be able to share with others. I began to plan and pray how I could come to know my brother, Jesus Christ. My scripture study and prayer has become more meaningful and little things I've heard so many times before suddenly had real meaning for me. For example I've heard the phrase "What would Jesus do?" hundreds of times, but lately it has held real meaning for me. When you really think about it, what better way is there to know Him, then to choose to become like Him.
I recently was reading in a parent's guidebook published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in 1985. In the first pages it begins talking about the differences between Satan and Jesus. What motivated each of them. Satan wanted all the glory; he was using others for his gain-just as so many people do. Christ on the other hand didn't need or want glory or power, he was willing to sacrifice all simply because he loved us.
Do we think like this, "I do what I do because I love you, not because I have any selfish gain in mind or any anticipation that credit shall come to me. I do what is best for you in an eternal sense. What will help you return to our Heavenly Father." That is unconditional love. What a difference this could make if we thought this way towards our children, our spouses, our friends, our co-workers, even the stranger we pass on the street. We are all brothers and sisters trying to live a life worthy to return home to our Father.
How do you view people? Do you use individuals for your gain or do you serve them and love them as your brother, Jesus Christ, loves you?
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