Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Judge Not

"If you Judge people, you have no time to love them" has echoed through my mind countless times since President Monson shared this quote from Mother Teresa at the last General Relief Society Meeting. Sadly a few people came to mind that I'd been quick to judge without really knowing all the facts. I'd never shared my thoughts with anyone, but I certainly hadn't shown these individuals the love they probably needed at that time. I made a promise that night that I would make an effort to just love everyone and leave the judging to God.

The following humorous story was shared by President Monson and gets right to the point of his talk.

"A young couple, Lisa and John, moved into a new neighborhood. One morning while they were eating breakfast, Lisa looked out the window and watched her next-door neighbor hanging out her wash.

"That laundry's not clean!" Lisa exclaimed. "Our neighbor doesn't know how to get clothes clean!"

John looked on but remained silent.

Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry, Lisa would make the same comments.

A few weeks later, Lisa was surprised to glance out her window and see a nice, clean wash hanging in her neighbor's yard. She said to her husband, "Look, John—she's finally learned how to wash correctly! I wonder how she did it."

John replied, "Well, dear, I have the answer for you. You'll be interested to know that I got up early this morning and washed our windows!"

This is a funny, yet sad, story to me. How often are we acting just like Lisa? What if we changed ourselves and were filled with the pure love of Christ?

One last thought, to help us be a little better.
"Life is perfect for none of us. Rather than being judgmental and critical of each other, may we have the pure love of Christ for our fellow travelers in this journey through life. May we recognize that each one is doing her best to deal with the challenges which come her way, and may we strive to do our best to help out."

Go to Charity Never Faileth By President Monson to read the full talk.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Would I Recognize Christ If I Saw Him?

What kind of relationship do you have with Christ? If he was to walk into the room would you know him?

"A man died and was resurrected and waiting in a room to be interviewed, Another man was ahead of him. The door opened, the man entered, and the door closed. The man on the outside could hear the conversation on the other side of the door. The interviewer began: "I want you to tell me what you know about Jesus Christ."

"Well, He was born of Mary in Bethlehem; he lived thirty-three years, spending the last three organizing his church, choosing his apostles, and giving the gospel to direct our lives."

The interviewer stopped him and said:"Yes, yes, that's all true, but I want you to tell me what you know about Jesus Christ."

Well, he suffered and died so that we could have eternal life.Three days later he was resurrected so that we might return to Heavenly Father."

"Yes, yes, that is true, but I want you to tell me what you know about Jesus Christ." The man, a little perplexed, again began: "Well, he restored the gospel in its fullness to the earth through Joseph Smith, reorganized his church, gave us temples so we could do work to save our dead. He gave us personal ordinances for our salvation and exaltation."

The interviewer again stopped him and said, "all of what you have said to me is true." The man was then invited to leave the room. After he left the door opened and the second man entered. As he approached the interviewer he fell upon his knees and cried "My Lord, my God."

When I read I this story I always wonder, which person am I? Do I just know the facts or do I truly know my savior? My thoughts have turned to him more as I strive each day to know my brother, Jesus Christ who suffered unimaginable pain for me.

Which person are you?